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Mar 6, 2023
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Natural Remedies for the Common Cold

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Get relief from the common cold with these practical and easy-to-find natural remedies. Say goodbye to coughs and congestion!

There are numerous natural remedies available that can help alleviate the symptoms of the common cold. One such remedy is a proper diet, typically initiating a two-day fast for the patient. During this time, warm water with lemon juice and honey or fruit juice mixed with hot water is recommended. Maintaining a liquid diet consisting of fruit juice is essential to balance the acidity levels in the blood, while consuming hot drinks helps cleanse the kidneys. In particular, pineapple juice has been reported to be highly effective. Additionally, a daily intake of warm water enema can help clean out the bowels during this fasting period.

Incorporating fresh fruits into your diet can be incredibly beneficial in fighting the common cold. After a short juice fast of three days, consider switching to an exclusive fruit diet for further relief. Aim for three meals daily featuring juicy fruits like apples, grapes, pineapples, watermelon, and in-season options. The patient should avoid bananas, dried or stewed fruits, and canned during this regimen.

When looking for natural remedies for the common cold, a well-balanced diet that includes seeds, nuts, grains, vegetables and fruits can help to strengthen the immune system. It’s best to avoid meat, fish, eggs, cheese, and starchy foods during this time as they may slow healing. Additionally, consuming foods containing essential vitamins and minerals strengthens the immune system. Vitamin C is vital in protecting against infection and is a harmless antibiotic; it can be found in citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, sprouted Bengal, and green grams. Lime juice is highly recommended for those looking for home remedies for the common cold; it’s best taken well-diluted. An ideal treatment for colds and dry coughs is to drink lime juice mixed with honey and ginger diluted in warm water.

There are a variety of natural remedies that may help ease the symptoms of a common cold. One such remedy is garlic, which has been used for centuries for its antiseptic and antispasmodic properties. Some believe garlic soup is an effective way to reduce the severity of colds, as the volatile oil in garlic helps flush toxins from the body and can also help reduce fever. Additionally, drinking a mixture of garlic oil and onion juice diluted with water multiple times a day may also aid in curing a common cold, according to several studies.

Looking for some natural remedies to help ease the symptoms of your pesky cold? Ginger might be just what you need. This powerful root contains chemicals like gingerols and shgaols that have been shown to have anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects. Try boiling small pieces of ginger in a cup of water, adding a bit of sugar and then straining the mixture before drinking it twice daily. Another option is to add a few pieces of ginger into boiled water before adding tea leaves to create a comforting ginger tea that may help alleviate fevers or colds.

Turmeric has antiseptic properties, making it an effective cure for colds and throat irritations. Mix half a teaspoon of fresh turmeric powder with thirty grams of warm milk to make your remedy. For a running nose, inhale smoke from the burning turmeric to increase discharge and find relief more quickly.

A hot shower or bath can relieve chest and nasal passages congestion. Additionally, using hot packs or fomentations on the chest or head has been proven effective in treating colds. A steam bath can help reduce body temperature and promote perspiration for those with a fever. Lastly, taking a hot foot bath or hip bath may provide relief from symptoms as well.

Some simple natural remedies can help alleviate your symptoms if you’re suffering from a cold. For congested nasal passages, try steam inhalation therapy to help clear up the mucus and make breathing easier. If a sore throat is causing discomfort, gargling with hot salt water can provide relief. Another effective remedy to reduce chest congestion is cold chest packs which can break up mucus and help eliminate it from the lungs. Make sure to apply them twice or thrice daily for the best results.

Yogasanas for the common cold

  1. Bhujangasana,
  2. Salabhasana,
  3. Dhanurasana, and
  4. Yogamudra in vajrasana,
  5. Pranayam of kapalbhati and anulom-vilom
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